I love 3 day weekends! It was so nice to not have to go to work today. I could have gone out of town to the cabin or Sedona, but I decided to just stay home and chill. It has been so nice to sit home and get stuff done. We cleaned off the back porch and reclaimed it from all of the spiders and who knows what else was living there. We also discovered that our neighbors peacock has made a nest in the very back of the yard. I don't that if it has eggs they would be fertilized so we will see what happens.
On saturday was the grand opening of the newly renovated Rhodes pool. The facility is gorgeous, a major improvement from what it was, it isn't going to be the lame boring pool it used to be, now that it has the flow rider. I talked my dad into riding the flow rider, I figured it would be good publicity for the Vice Mayor to ride it don't you think, especially after the little speech he gave! It was tons of fun to ride on it again because I got to go to paid training thursday night to learn how to use it so that the lifeguards can teach others how to use it. I think I'm addicted, it is so much fun. You can go boogie boarding with out getting sand everywhere!
That is pretty much all there is to my life right now. Work is still going well, it can be interesting at times but I'll survive. We'll see what adventures come my way this week!
Hopefully my dad doesn't kill me for posting these pictures, but I just had to, they are awesome!
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