I have some thoughts on Valentines day. Lately little stands have popped up on the side of the road selling cheap stuff for your Valentine. Would someone please tell me how a 3 foot tall teddy bear or other stuffed animal says "I Love You?" To me that is not romantic, plus what do you do with it after Valentine's Day? There are many more romantic things you can do.
Also talking about someday starting a family I have an aunt who claims her self as the bonding coordinator. So when I get married I have to make sure his birthday doesn't interfere with another family members birthdays or anything else on the calendar. She sent an email the other day that I shall share it because it made me laugh, this is just a taste of my funny family.
I just wanted to share with you concerns that Grandma and I were talking about last night. It appears that the majority of babies being born in our family are males. This creates a long term problem for grandma because she cannot make gifts for boys like she can for girls. Boys actually require spending money and buying gifts. So when you are carefully planning when to have your children (to avoid calendar conflicts) could you also carefully choose to have the female gender, unless you would like you sons to get doilies, dresses, or pretty hair flowers. It is only a suggestion to help grandma out.
Last night our stake had a sweetheart dance, I went to fulfill my church calling, left after eating and watched a movie with friends. We watched Julie and Julia, super cute. I really like it, it might be a one I will buy. A very good movie, with a great story line and for the most part clean. A lot better than what you normally see. I give it 2 thumbs up!
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